Fostering Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange: The Peer-to-Peer Workshop with Great Lakes Peace Centre

In the scenic backdrop of Rwenzori International Hotel, Kasese, on September 16, 2022, two organizations embarked on a journey of knowledge exchange, collaboration, and empowerment. Girl Potential Care Centre (GPCC) and Great Lakes Peace Centre (GLPC) came together for a Peer-to-Peer Workshop to share ideas, experiences, and strategies for enhancing their organizational sustainability.

Sharing Expectations

The day began with participants sharing their expectations for the workshop. There was a palpable eagerness to learn from one another. Attendees looked forward to gaining insights into each organization’s projects, resource mobilization tactics, partnership-building strategies, and financial stability management.

Empowering Through Insight

One of the highlights of the workshop was Ms. Naomi Ayot’s session, a board member of GLPC. She provided invaluable guidance on running an organization effectively, emphasizing the importance of identifying strengths and weaknesses. Participants engaged in a SWOT analysis, uncovering their organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This exercise encouraged a deeper understanding of their respective organizations and how to leverage their unique qualities for success.

Ms. Ayot also shed light on the roles and responsibilities of boards and the distinctions between management and leadership, offering a holistic view of organizational governance.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The importance of monitoring and evaluation was another crucial topic addressed during the workshop. Mr. Alfred from GLPC explained the significance of regular monitoring and evaluation, its conceptual framework, and its relevance in organizational growth. Attendees actively participated by asking questions about the practical aspects of carrying out these processes, ensuring a thorough understanding of their implementation.

Fundraising and Resource Mobilization

Mr. Mugenyi Nathan, a grants officer at GLPC, shared expertise on fundraising and resource mobilization. He outlined the key elements of resource mobilization, including resources, partnering, communication and prospecting, relationship building, and organizational management and development. Participants were encouraged to provide examples of how their organizations currently approach resource mobilization, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas. Mr. Nathan also imparted knowledge about the features of resource mobilization, equipping attendees with tools to enhance their fundraising efforts.

Financial Management

Financial stability is vital for any organization’s success, and Bwabale Alim, the internal auditor at GLPC, addressed this topic. He explained the essentials of financial reporting and the importance of maintaining accurate books of accounts. Attendees learned about the frequency of financial reporting and the responsibilities associated with it, ensuring transparency and accountability in their financial management practices.

The Road Ahead

The peer-to-peer workshop between GPCC and GLPC illuminated common objectives and shared projects. It became evident that these organizations, though distinct in their missions, shared a common vision of making a positive impact on their communities. As the workshop concluded, Mr. Faruk, the executive director at GLPC Kasese, expressed gratitude to GIZ and GPCC for the opportunity and extended a heartfelt willingness to collaborate on projects that benefit both organizations and contribute to their development.


The Peer-to-Peer Workshop between GPCC and GLPC exemplifies the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing in the realm of non-profit organizations. By coming together to exchange insights and experiences, these organizations are not only enhancing their own capacities but also paving the way for more impactful and sustainable community initiatives. This workshop serves as a reminder that when organizations unite with a shared vision, they can achieve remarkable results that positively influence the world around them. The future looks promising as GPCC and GLPC continue their journey towards a brighter and more empowered tomorrow.

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