
Bahara’s PRIDE

In the heart of Rwenzori, the term “Bahara” resonates as strength, embodying the essence of girls and ladies in our community. GPCC proudly introduces the Bahara Pride Project, a transformative initiative aiming to empower these incredible individuals, guiding them towards a future of knowledge, dignity, and success. In Partnership with iRISE International

🌸 Fighting Stigma, Fostering Growth: The Bahara Pride Project stands tall against the shadow of stigma that surrounds menstrual hygiene and health. We firmly believe in education as the key to breaking barriers. This project specifically targets both attending and non-attending school girls in the Fort Portal district communities. By providing essential education on menstrual hygiene, we’re sowing the seeds of change for generations to come.

🏫 Empowering Schools, Empowering Lives: Collaborating with eight schools, including Kitumba Secondary School, Kamengo Secondary School, Smaling Peas High School, Kahinju Secondary School, Green Circle Primary School, Kiguma Primary School, Butebe Primary School, and Butebe Primary School, we’re fostering a supportive learning environment. Through engaging sessions on career guidance and menstrual hygiene, we’re not just imparting knowledge; we’re nurturing confidence and self-reliance.

🌱 Sustainable Solutions, Lasting Impact: Under this initiative, our girls learn more than just theory. They are taught how to create reusable sanitary towels and tampons, empowering them with sustainable solutions. In partnership with iRISE International, we’re not just providing aid; we’re fostering independence and resilience.

At GPCC, the Bahara Pride Project is not just an endeavor; it’s a promise. A promise to every girl that her dreams are valid, her potential limitless, and her journey, supported. Together, we’re not just breaking the silence; we’re crafting a symphony of pride and empowerment. Join us in our mission because every girl deserves to embrace her Bahara Pride.

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